A genuine care and support by Dr. Rao Medical Center, for growing teenage girls and counseling and educating them regarding Body changes, pimple mechanism & its control, menstrual health is the key area.
Teenage and Puberty clinic :
We provide consultation and counseling to discuss the health issues of young adult ages 12-17 yrs.
Services include
- Sex education/ Sexual health.
- General birth control measures
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Menstrual disorders
- Absent periods (Amenorrhea)
- Painfull Periods ( Dysmenorrhea)
- Excessive bleeding(Menorrhea)
- Hormonal acne
- Growth and Developmental concerns
- Hormone study
- Barrier Methods
- Hormonal methods
- Oral contraceptive pills
- Hormonal injections
- Intra uterine devices (IUCD)
- Emergency contraceptive pills.
Birth control /Contraception — Proper spacing is important for the health of mother and baby. In our centre the specialist will help you choose the best birth control method suit your health and life style.
Birth control depends on:
- Your overall health.
- How often you have sex.
- Whether you want to have children in future.
- Possible side effects.
- Your comfort level.
Menopause is a natural process a womans body go through as she ages.General symptoms are:
- Mood fluctuation.
- Slowed memory.
- Reduced bone density.
- Low sex drive.
- Increased Blood pressure.
- Hot flashes/ Night sweats.
- Vaginal dryness.
- Sleep disturbances.
Estrogen-sensitive tissues are present throughout the body-not only in the vagina and breasts but also in the brain,bones,liver,heart,and skin-the hormonal changes associated with menopause can cause a multitude of uncomfortable symptoms. If you complain to your doctor about hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue, or difficulties with sleep or sex, you’ll likely be prescribed conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Although the usual hormone replacement drugs such as conjugated estrogens and synthetic progestins ease symptoms, they come with many serious side effects that offset their benefits.
Rejuvenation of the female genital area improves the look, feel as well as the function. Child birth and ageing affects the genital area in many ways. More and more women are seeking cosmetic surgery to enhance the genital aesthetics and sexual function.
Multiple child births cause repeated dilatation of the vaginal muscles, thereby leading to loss of tone and tightness of vagina. Sexual gratification may be seriously affected by this loss of tone. The Kegel exercises help to regain the tone to some extent and in some cases the exercises may be sufficient. Even with sustained and regular Kegel exercises, in some cases the tone is not restored to a satisfactory level. A posterior perinioplasty (vaginal tightening surgery) in such cases will be helpful. The vaginal opening or introitus is made smaller and the excess lining is removed. The result is an increased vaginal tone, voluntary control and muscle strength which leads to an improved self esteem.