Welcome to Dr. Rao Medical Center

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 9pm
  Contact : +91-635-635-29-29

Dental Implants

Services Provide

  1. Dental consultations
  2. Dental digital X-rays
  3. Teeth cleaning
  4. Teeth whitening

(Home whitening Kits)

  1. Teeth whitening

(Chair side  whitening )

  1. Tooth extraction Normal
  2. Wisdom tooth removal
  3. Veneers/Laminates

(porcelain /acrylic) 4 teeth -40,000 6 teeth

  1. Smile makeovers
  2. Straightening of teeth (Removable conventional braces)
  3. Straightening of teeth (conventional braces)
  4. Straightening of teeth (Lingual concealed braces)
  5. Straightening of teeth (Invisalign/Clear braces)
  6. Crowns and Bridges Fixing ( Metal porcelain/All porcelain)
  7. Zirconia crowns
  8. Lava crowns
  9. Removable Partial dentures –Acrylic
  10. Flexible
  11. Metal cast partial dentures
  12. Removable Full denture (Acrylic)
  1. BPS  full mouth Dentures         50,000 –   BPS dentutre ( BIOPROSTHETIC system)
  2. Fixed implant supported full denture
  • All on four implant supported
  • All on six implant supported
  1. Root canal treatment/surgeries
  2. Tooth colored restorations
  3. Dental sealants

( For Tooth decay prevention)

  1. Dental fluoride Therapy
  2. Dental Implants/Basal         25,000-45,000/-Implant +  additional cost for crowns
  3. Bleeding gums treatment

(conventional surgical)

  1. Bleeding gums treatment (Laser surgical)
  2. Oral cancer screening/counseling
  3. Mouth Night guard (For Teeth Grinding)
  4. Tooth Jewellery