Services Provide
- Dental consultations
- Dental digital X-rays
- Teeth cleaning
- Teeth whitening
(Home whitening Kits)
- Teeth whitening
(Chair side whitening )
- Tooth extraction Normal
- Wisdom tooth removal
- Veneers/Laminates
(porcelain /acrylic) 4 teeth -40,000 6 teeth
- Smile makeovers
- Straightening of teeth (Removable conventional braces)
- Straightening of teeth (conventional braces)
- Straightening of teeth (Lingual concealed braces)
- Straightening of teeth (Invisalign/Clear braces)
- Crowns and Bridges Fixing ( Metal porcelain/All porcelain)
- Zirconia crowns
- Lava crowns
- Removable Partial dentures –Acrylic
- Flexible
- Metal cast partial dentures
- Removable Full denture (Acrylic)
- BPS full mouth Dentures 50,000 – BPS dentutre ( BIOPROSTHETIC system)
- Fixed implant supported full denture
- All on four implant supported
- All on six implant supported
- Root canal treatment/surgeries
- Tooth colored restorations
- Dental sealants
( For Tooth decay prevention)
- Dental fluoride Therapy
- Dental Implants/Basal 25,000-45,000/-Implant + additional cost for crowns
- Bleeding gums treatment
(conventional surgical)
- Bleeding gums treatment (Laser surgical)
- Oral cancer screening/counseling
- Mouth Night guard (For Teeth Grinding)
- Tooth Jewellery