Is your face looking aged and dull?
Are you tired of the same, boring, pale/tanned look?
Is your facial skin too dry, too oily or too sensitive?
Facial rejuvenation can help you in a great way to give your face that refreshing, transforming appearance, totally free of dullness and the signs of aging.
Get done Dr. Rao’s Total Face Rejuvenation by the expert cosmetic physician Dr V RAO.
As we age, the natural youth ingredients of skin like Elastin and collagen begin to diminish, resulting in visible damage, thinning, discolorations, freckles, wrinkles and sagging set in. The DR.RAO MEDICAL CENTER understands this fact of life, and has designed the
cutting-edge Skin lightening procedure that can provide beautiful, long-term results. Skin polishing is non-invasive, and patients can return to their regular schedule immediately after treatment. The procedures used are virtually painless; only involving a slight prickling or burning sensation. The results obtained are dramatic which can remove unwanted, artificial and natural pigmentation safely, leaving you scar free and care-free.
The basic treatments of skin pigmentation at DR.RAO MEDICAL CENTER are:
- Skin polishing and stem cell serum INFUSION
- Skin Lightening with mesotherapy
- Skin Toning with PRP
- Photo Rejuvenation with IPL & LASERS
- Derma abrasion with Hyaluronic Facials
- Face pack With AHA & BHAs
What Exactly is “Acne” (PIMPLE)
Acne is a very common skin condition, affecting virtually everyone at some point in their lives.As many as three out of four teenagers have experienced pimples or ACNE to some extent. It is triggered by many different factors, including hormonal fluctuations at teenage, irritants like topical steroid application, diet and certain medications. Acne is due to an overproduction of sebum, a buildup of dead skin cells and an accumulation of bacteria. Some people experience mild non-inflamed acne called acne simplex, while others have inflamed acne or acne vulgaris, which is severe and can be painful. While most people outgrow acne in their late teens or early twenties, many continue to be affected much longer. Aggravation of acne in later life may occur with menstrual periods, use of birth control pills, use of oil-based products and stress.
Are you struggling with stubborn Acne? Try out DR.RAO MEDICAL CENTERs innovative scientific solutions.
Traditional acne treatments, including oral and topical drugs, often have mixed results. They may have harmful side effects and take a long time to work. In contrast, DR.RAO MEDICAL CENTER practices cutting-edge acne treatments, using most advanced medications. Our acne treatments combat breakouts in two ways: they kill the bacteria that cause acne, and they reduce the size of sebaceous glands that produce oil and contribute to clogged pores.
Along with DR.RAO MEDICAL CENTER ACNE treatments, Isotretinoin is used primarily for severe cystic acne and acne that has not responded to other treatments. In cases of hormonal acne, such as in women in their 20s and 30s with cyclical acne, often a course of isotretinoin can permanently improve acne obviating the need for lifelong hormonal manipulation.
Botox: Thousands of appearance-conscious women and men have already discovered the benefits of COSMETIC BOTOX injection treatment. Not just models and movie stars, but ordinary people-teachers, mothers, and business people from all walks of life.
Botox is a non-surgical, physician-administered treatment for moderate to severe WRINKELS on face & Neck. Botox works by reducing the contractions of the muscles that cause those persistent frown lines that have developed over time. treated wrinkles over
Filler: Cosmetic Fillers are injectable substances used to fill in wrinkles on the face. Collagen is the most well known of these substances. Recently, the FDA approved the synthetic filler, Juvederm, Restylane, which is a naturally occurring sugar which is chemically cross linked to give it long lasting effect. Fillers lasts for an year .
- Eye Brow Lift
- Gummy smile
- Slim Face
- Face lift
- Widening eyes
- Nasal Tip Elevation
- Masseter-Slim face
- Neck Bands or loose skin
- Lines around mouth.
- Forehead
- Lip lines
- Crows feet
- Chin wrinkles
- Textured acne scars
All Med facials will incorporate infusion therapy serum with serum face packs.
- OZONE FACIAL with Stem cell infusion
- Glutathione facials
- Green tee facials
- Galvanic facials
Face is the most prominent feature of a person reflecting the overall wellbeing of a person and undergoes aging. Aging of skin includes fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. Some people tend to accept their changes while others are motivated to prevent them and improve upon them.
There is nothing more important than being happy and feeling good about yourself hence there has been a significant advancement in this area and research is going on to help the patients seek the improvements they desire. The latest techniques in non-surgical aesthetic treatments offer many options to rejuvenate your look without the down time of surgery.
This involves a combination of using Hyaluronic acid fillers to add volume to the face and at the same time adding the growth factors from patients own blood (Thus term Vampire)
Childbirth, while an endearing experience that enhances a woman’s life, can typically take a drastic toll on her body in many ways.
The common desire of a woman: To have a beautifully slim, firm, and feminine figure. women who have given birth and are now left with bodies that barely resemble their pre-pregnancy contour. Pregnancy changes many women’s bodies from that of a young woman to that of an old woman almost overnight. All young women love their grandmothers, they just don’t want to look like them.
Mommy Makeover is a compilation of Treatments and procedures often done at time interval which rejuvenates the post pregnancy body, improves one’s self-esteem, and eliminates those insecurities which prevent many women who have had children from feeling comfortable with their bodies.
Our highly trained aestheticians provide skin analysis, facial rejuvenative treatments including micro-peels, glycolic, lactic and salicylic acid peels, Obagi blue Peels, Jessner Peels, Parisian Peel Micro-Dermabrasions, and Camouflage makeup application.
- Obagi Skin Care
- Parisian Peels
- OBAGI® Skin Care
A variety of chemical peels are available to treat acne and acne scarring, sun-damage, pigmentation problems such as “melasma”, and fine wrinkling.
- Chemical peels can be done on the face, neck, or hands. They can be used to:
- Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth
- Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging
- Improve the appearance of mild scars
- Treat certain types of acne
- Reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills
- Improve the look and feel of skin
- Areas of sun damage may improve after chemical peeling.
After a chemical peel, skin is temporarily more sensitive to the sun, so wear sunscreen every day. It should say “broad-spectrum” on the label, meaning it protects against the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Limit your time in the sun, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and wear a wide-brimmed hat.
Hair is the “crowning glory” of an individual’s beauty and health. Society places a great deal of cultural importance on hair volume, vibrancy, fragrance and style. Tissue Engineering / Stem cell research is the “in thing” in almost every branch of medicine including understanding Tissue Regeneration in the field of Aesthetics. It is no surprise to find Dr. Rao’s visionary contribution to this exciting field – Tissue Analogs – Use of chondrocytes
DR.RAO MEDICAL CENTER offers the latest in laser hair removal technology. Our specialized laser technique permanently reduces hair safely with minimal or no downtime. Most patients require 4-5 treatments with each treatment ranging from 15-60 minutes (depending on the area being treated). The treatment sessions are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart for optimal hair reduction. Our laser enables our patients superior results virtually pain free.
n time, gravity, sun exposure, and the stresses of daily life take their toll on our faces and necks. Deep creases appear beside the mouth, the jaw line slackens and becomes jowly, and the neck develops loose folds and fat deposits. Facelifts counteract these signs of aging by tightening muscle, removing fat, and trimming excess skin, giving your face a fresher, youthful look. After surgery, some patients look 10-15 years younger.
Dr V Rao at DR .RAO MEDICAL CENTER uses Botox and Fillers like Juvederm, Restylane, perlane, scuptra are the Injectables which is used for Face lift and chiseled look.
soft-tissue fillers, fat grafts, facial implants and skin resurfacing enhance the effects of a facelift.
ThermageTM: ThermageTM is a quick, easy and non-invasive alternative to a face lift. It can also be used on the hands, abdomen, arms, legs, and buttocks. Using painless radiofrequency energy, Thermage “lifts” and tightens loose and sagging skin to restore youthful vigor to patients’ skin. The Thermage device stimulates collagen production and temporarily reduces wrinkles while keeping the skin surface cool and comfortable. There is no incision or recovery time. Results vary from person to person but can last for a few years
Appeal in the female body lies in its figure, BEAUTY IS SHAPE. You may feel the need to regain your pride with beautiful body figure and shape which you had once, but, after pregnancy or weight gain or some other reasons now you cannot see yourself in mirror. Bulging arms, loose and wrinkled skin around the chin, a bulging tummy.., are all complaints which make one feel ugly, undesirable or plain unhealthy. What all one would give to have just a little perfection in their body.
DR.RAO MEDICAL CENTER offer you a way of getting rid of that tummy bulge..or the loose chin…
The Treatment: Our advanced RF machine, with the aid of its unique technology, helps in getting rid of that little fat bothering you in certain areas. It gently heats up the skin, causing fat molecules to reduce in size, in turn promoting inch loss. The Unipolar Probe helps in collagen synthesis, causing the skin to tighten, giving the taut look people so desire.
Result: Skin Tightening effect due to alignment & regeneration of collagen tissue. It causes the fat molecules to reduce in size, thus causing reduction in the width of the targeted area. Also causes skin to tighten .SPECIFIC Serums and hormonal therapy helps to treat problem areas for tightening and firming any loose, wrinkled or dimpled skin anywhere on the body. The treatment is frequently used to
improve the thin, delicate skin of face, neck and underarms. It is boon to postnatal or post surgical abdomen, buttocks thighs and upper arms.
Body Reshaping & Sculpturing: The skin will increase its collagen and elastin content over 2-3 weeks following the treatment. At the same time, both men and women will notice within just a few days a lifting and tightening of their skin, while also seeing an improvement in skin tone, radiance or glow, and a visible reduction in fine wrinkles.
Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP is blood plasma with concentrated platelets. Platelets found in PRP contain huge reservoirs of bioactive proteins, including growth factors that are vital to initiate and accelerate tissue repair and regeneration. These bioactive proteins initiate connective tissue healing: bone, tendon and ligament regeneration and repair, promote development of new blood vessels, and stimulate the wound healing process.
To prepare PRP, blood is taken from the patient and through a separating process, the components within the blood are isolated to produce the PRP. Which is extreamly rich in growth factors for skin rejuvenation and this is added with special medicated serums to make skin young and radient, its very effective.
Breast Lift: A breast lift, or mastopexy, is performed to return youthful shape and lift to breasts that have sagged as a result of weight loss, pregnancy, loss of the skin’s natural elasticity or simply the effects of gravity. The procedure can also reduce areolar size (the dark skin surrounding the nipple), and it can be combined with augmentation mammaplasty (breast augmentation) for added breast volume and firmness. Breasts of any size can be lifted, but results last longest when they are originally small and sagging.
- Dimples and irregular fatty skin around thighs , buttocks, arms and legs.
- 80% of all women over the age of 20 have cellulite.
- 100% of all women can do something about it. It’s a cellulite treatment
If you look at it for what it is, Cellulite is not nice. Lumpy derrieres and legs can be off putting for most women when looking at themselves in a swimsuit but cellulite isn’t their fault by any means. It is created by abnormal patterns of elastic fibers and collagen under the skin (the dermis layer) that are present in females. It can also be formed by a regular breakdown of cells in the human body that occur with age. An average, 8 in every 10 women suffer from cellulite and for years they have been unable to do anything about it, until now.
With advances in cellulite lipolysis, and the use of radio frequency, combined with pulsed light therapy, The Dr.Rao Medical Center can actually help those who suffer from cellulite by minimizing its visibility. The cellulite treatment is so effective that the FDA has approved it to actually shrink the circumference of the thighs and buttocks while smoothing out the dimples that are commonly associated with cellulite.
Thinning Eyelashes:
If you have noticed thinning, less full eyelashes as you get older, we have answer. We provide unique EYE DROPS, Which is the only FDA approved treatment for having inadequate or not enough eyelashes.
- Mesotherapy / Lipodissolve is the most effective non-surgical way to dissolve unwanted fat and cellulite in specific areas of the body.
- Get rid of love handles, bra bulge, jowls, eye fat pads and cellulite.
- Lose inches off the face, neck, arms, chest, belly, waist, or hips forever.
- Facial rejuvenation with Meso-Glow and Meso-Lift.
- Treat acute or chronic pain, sprains, arthritis, migraine, and alopecia.
Botox: Thousands of appearance-conscious women and men have already discovered the benefits of COSMETIC BOTOX injection treatment. Not just models and movie stars, but ordinary people-teachers, mothers, and business people from all walks of life.
Botox is a non-surgical, physician-administered treatment for moderate to severe WRINKELS on face & Neck. Botox works by reducing the contractions of the muscles that cause those persistent frown lines that have developed over time. treated wrinkles over
Non surgical lip and nose reshaping using fillers. Dr V Rao is pioneer and teacher for techniques of soft tissue reshaping and botox therapy.
Millions of women are bothered by spider veins – those small yet unsightly clusters of red, blue or purple veins that most commonly appear on the thighs, calves and ankles.
Spider veins – known in the medical world as telangiectasias or sunburst varicosities – are small, thin veins that lie close to the surface of the skin.
A number of factors contribute to the development of spider veins, including heredity, pregnancy, weight gain, hormonal imbalance, occupations or activities that require prolonged sitting or standing, and injury.
Varicose veins differ from spider veins in a number of ways. Varicose veins are larger – usually more than a quarter-inch in diameter, darker in color and tend to bulge. Varicose veins are also more likely to cause pain, burning, swelling and cramps.
The DR.RAO MEDICAL CENTER Prepares new bride to celebrate & look life time best with BRIDAL medical treatments to combat and reverse the signs of aging. Using customized skin & Body treatments LIKE Medi facials, body therapies, we have the ability to diminish fine lines and wrinkles, remove age spots eliminate spider veins and facial redness. We also combine medical grade skin care with laser therapy to treat some of the most stubborn skin conditions such as scars and melasma. We can help you redevelop collagen through a variety of different methods that are unique to you and your skin condition, as well as a variety of fillers such as Juvederm Ultra Plus, Radiesse, Restylane, and our Laser Skin Tightening that will take years off your life immediately, without any type of surgery.
DARK CIRCLE: Even if you have the clearest skin, dark circles can overlap the beauty, making you look tired, aged and dull. Let’s admit that we all have tried natural remedies or anti-dark circle creams to at least lighten the under eye area, but nothing seems to work. Hence, this is probably the time you should consider treating your dark circles professionally.
Botox is injected in to skin and the arm pits will go completely dry. With under arm pits so dry and sweat free and no odour. In Dr.Rao Medical Center we club this procedure With laser hair removal of arm pit. So expect no shave, no odour clean and dry under arms non surgically.
Body piercing is the practice of puncturing a part of the human body, creating an opening in which jewellary may be worn. Ear piercing is a common procedure done in our country. Nose, lips, umbilicus, nipple, etc are other site for which piercing is frequently asked for. The procedure is done under local anesthesia as an office procedure. Complete healing normally takes several weeks or more and care must be taken to avoid infection during this period.