Welcome to Dr. Rao Medical Center

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 9pm
  Contact : +91-635-635-29-29


Stroke — NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER often called as HEMIPLEGIA occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off, usually by a blood clot. Deprived of oxygen, neurons in the affected area begin to die. But a stroke is like a bomb blast. It is common among obese, diabetic and atherosclerosis patients. SMOKING, ALCOHAL AND STRESS are important risk factors.

Why Doctor Rao?

At Dr Rao Medical Center, patients often have dramatic improvements in motor and cognitive function, even when a significant length of time has elapsed since the stroke. Because this approach requires holistic and comprehensive repeat treatments.

Dr Rao who is 1st Official Indian Doctor to conduct training’s and workshops for physicians on BOTULINUM TOXIN THERAPY FOR NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE is considered as leader in NEURO REHABILITAION. His rich experience of more than 20 years in NEURO REHABILITATION has helped thousands of STROKE, DYSTONIA and MIGRAINE Patients.

Dr Rao Medical Center has full fledged Rehabilitation Unit, qualified physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists. Botulinum therapy, gait therapy, electrotherapy, Fine motor Training lab, Bio feed back therapy are some of best Treatments offered for STROKE/PARALYSES Patients at Dr Rao Medical Center.

Dr Rao is the 1st Official Indian Doctor, who has conducted more than 10,000 training’s and workshops for Doctors on BOTULINUM TOXIN THERAPY For NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES across India and Abroad. He is considered as leader in NEURO REHABILITAION.